

The inauguration and an inaugural ball, January 20, 1993.

Al Gore and I with the cabinet: (standing, from left) Madeleine Albright, Mack McLarty, Mickey Kantor, Laura Tyson, Leon Panetta, Carol Browner, Lee Brown; (seated, from bottom left) Lloyd Bentsen, Janet Reno, Mike Espy, Robert Reich, Henry Cisneros, Hazel O'Leary, Richard Riley, Jesse Brown, Federico Pe?a, Donna Shalala, Ron Brown, Bruce Babbitt, Les Aspin, and Warren Christopher.

Al and I praying at our weekly

With Mother, Dick Kelley, and Champ, in Hot Springs.Cartier love bracelet replica.

Mack McLarty and I attending the Summit of the Americas, in Santiago, love bracelet replica.

In the residence private study, with Presidents George Bush, Jimmy Carter, and Gerald Ford on the eve of the announcement of the campaign for NAFTA.Wholesale Bvlgari rings fake.

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Mother, Roger, and I celebrate our last Christmas h belet replica.

Chelsea in The love bracelet replica.

Ron Brown and I playing an impromptu basketball game in South Central Los Angeles.Louis Vuitton Belts Replica.

Al and I, on the South Lawn, announcing the elimination of forklifts of government regulations, part of our Reinventing Government initiative.

Straightening Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin's tie. It would be our last time together..Cartier love ring Replica.

Tony Lake informs me of Rabin's death..

Arriving on Marine One, with Bruce Lindsey and Erskine Bowles

Bosnia briefing in the White House Situation Room

With AmeriCorps volunteers at a tornado site in Arkansas

Chelsea's graduation from Sidwell Friends

Rahm Emanuel and Leon Panetta brief me in the Oval Office dining room.

Riding with Harold Ickes in Montana

With Hillary

On the golf course with Frank Raines, Erskine Bowles, Vernon Jordan, and Max Chapman

A strategy meeting in the Yellow Oval Room

With Republican leaders Representative Newt Gingrich and Senator Bob Dole in the Cabinet Room

With Democratic leaders Representative Richard Gephardt and Senator Tom Daschle in the Oval Office

Russian president Boris Yeltsin and I in Hyde Park, New York

With German chancellor Helmut Kohl at Warburg Castle

Chelsea and I at Ron Brown's funeral

Our friends Queen Noor and King Hussein join Hillary and me on the Truman Balcony.

Speaking about America's bridge to the twenty-first century at Arizona State University

Promoting education at an event in California

Celebrating our 1996 victory aboard Air Force One

Signing an executive order with representatives of Native American Tribal Governments

Visiting with the troops in Kuwait

Briefing in Shepherdstown, West Virginia, with my Middle East team: Madeleine Albright, Dennis Ross, Martin Indyk, Rob Malley, Bruce Reidel, and Sandy Berger. Deputy Chief of Staff Maria Echaveste is at far right.

With the economic team in the Oval Office

Playing cards with Bruce Lindsey, Doug Sosnik, and Joe Lockhart on Marine One

My legal team: Cheryl Mills, Bruce Lindsey, David Kendall, Chuck Ruff, and Nicole Seligman

With White House valets Fred Sanchez and Lito Bautista, my doctor Connie Mariano, valet Joe Fama, and Oval Office steward Bayani Nelvis

Oval Office steward Glen Maes shows Al and me the cake he made for my birthday.

Playing with Buddy and my nephews Zachary and Tyler on the South Lawn

Socks briefing the press

South African president Nelson Mandela and I in the cell on Robben Island, where he had spent the first eighteen of his twenty-seven years in captivity

With Japanese prime minister Keizo Obuchi in Tokyo

With Chinese president Jiang Zemin in the Oval Office

With the cabinet: (first row) Bruce Babbitt, William Cohen, Madeleine Albright, me, Larry Summers, Janet Reno; (second row) George Tenet, Togo West, Bill Richardson, Andrew Cuomo, Alexis Herman, Dan Glickman, John Podesta, William Daley, Donna Shalala, Rodney Slater, Richard Riley, Carol Browner; (back row) Thurgood Marshall, Jr., Bruce Reed, James Lee Witt, Charlene Barshefsky, Martin Baily, Jack Lew, Barry McCaffrey, Aida Alvarez, Gene Sperling, and Sandy Berger

With Tony Blair at Chequers

Hillary and I touring a Kosovar refugee camp in Macedonia

Hillary and I with a newborn child named Bill Clinton in Wanyange, Uganda

Addressing a crowd of more than 500,000 in Independence Square, Ghana

Commemorating the thirty-fifth anniversary of the voting rights march in Selma, Alabama, by crossing the Edmund Pettus Bridge with Jesse Jackson, Coretta Scott King, John Lewis, and other veterans of the civil rights movement who had marched arm in arm with Martin Luther King, Jr.

Hillary, Chelsea, and I at an MIA excavation site in Vietnam, with the Evert family

Being showered with rose petals in a traditional ceremony in Naila, India

Camp David Middle East peace summit, with Prime Minister Ehud Barak, Chairman Yasser Arafat, and my Arabic translator and Middle East advisor, Gemal Helal

With Gerry Adams, John Hume, and David Trimble on St. Patrick's Day 2000

Addressing a crowd in Market Square, Dundalk, Northern Ireland

Bringing the Internet into America's classrooms, with Dick Riley

With my presidential aides Doug Band, Kris Engskov, Stephen Goodin, and Andrew Friendly

The special agents in charge, presidential protective division, United States Secret Service, with Nancy Hernreich, director of Oval Office Operations, and my secretary Betty Currie

Celebrating with my staff after my final address to the nation

February 7, 2000: Hillary announces her campaign for the Senate

Chelsea and I wait for Hillary as she casts her first vote as a candidate, Chappaqua, New York.

My last moments in the Oval Office after placing the traditional letter to its next occupant on the Resolute desk


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